Exercise therapy which is now growing with the help of technological advances has been applied in several areas in Indonesia, but the dissemination of information on this matter is still limited. Therefore, in this activity the theme "Application of Technology in Renewal of Exercise Therapy Techniques by Physiotherapists". The Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance was present to give a speech and at the same time opened the event which was held in dr. AAMade Djelantik on Sunday, November 10, 2019. This time CPD presented Ngakan Gde Sudharma, S.Ft, SH, M.Si and Muhhamad Irfan, S.Ft, SKM, M.Fis as speakers.

The objectives of this activity are: To update knowledge regarding the application of technology in the renewal of exercise therapy techniques which will later be applied by the world of physiotherapy. And as for the benefits that are expected to be obtained through the implementation of this activity, among others: Providing knowledge of the application of technology in the renewal of exercise therapy techniques which will later be applied by the world of physiotherapy for educators and students.