Saturday, October 6, 2018 the Department/KSM of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty Unud/RSUP Sanglah and PAPDI Bali held a health social work at Bakas Village, Banjarangkan sub-district, Klungkung Regency,. The event was opened by remarks from DR. dr. Ketut Suega, Sp.PD-KHOM as the head of the department/KSM of Internal Medicine FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah and was received directly by the village head from Bakas village, Banjarangkan sub-district.

Activities carried out in this social service include health promotion in the form of health counseling given by Prof. DR. dr. Ketut Suwitra, Sp.PD_KGH, general and specific medical examinations, as well as research in the field of geriatrics and nephrology by specialist doctors who are members of PAPDI Bali and residents of internal medicine Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. This activity was carried out with the aim of knowing health problems in Bakas Village and knowing some of the diseases that existed in the community and providing health services as a form of community service.

This social and health work activity was considered a success and was greeted with great enthusiasm by the Bakas villagers themselves. It was recorded that more than 112 people attended this activity, they seemed very interested and played an active role in this health education and examination activity. This activity is very useful to help the community overcome health problems and improve the community's ability through the learning process to be able to behave to prevent health problems, maintain and improve their health status. Hopefully in the future activities such as social work and health can continue to be carried out in the future. Bravo Interna Udayana!. (SAP and Adt 2018)