PSSKPN Standard Operating Procedure (SPO) Improvement Workshop

With the development of knowledge supported by Evidence Based Practice , educational institutions are expected to be able to run in harmony with the development of nursing services. Therefore, the Bachelor of Nursing and Nursing Profession Study Program of FK Unud held a workshop on Completion of Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) for nursing services on Friday, June 29, 2019 at the Faculty of Medicine Building, which was attended by 21 PSSKPN lecturers and clinical instructors from networking institutions such as hospitals. Sanglah and Puri Raharja Hospital. Lab SOPs from each department were discussed through the stages of team discussions from each nursing department with clinical instructors from each network hospital. The results of the discussions from each department are then integrated and thoroughly discussed for the SOP unit which is then used for students.

The SOPs produced from this workshop will later be socialized to clinical instructors and students to be used in nursing practice activities at PSSKPN