The 2nd Udayana International Nursing Conference (INC) was held on 4-5 August 2017. Conceptual and technical preparation for the INC event was carried out 2 years before the event. The first day of the 2nd INC activity was held on Friday, August 4, 2017. The event began with the presentation of the Sekar Jempiring dance by 5 PSSKPN FK UNUD students. Next was the appearance of the HMIK PSSKPN FK UNUD student choir. The event was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.
After the opening, the event continued with the presentation of session 1 material by keynote speaker Desak Ketut Ernawati, S.Si., PGPharm, M.Pharm,PhD who explained Interprofessional Education: Evidence from local practice. The next keynote speaker is Dr. dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Sp..MK(K) who presented the topic " Global Strategic for Improving Long Term Health and Wellbeing". The last keynote speaker in this session was Prof. Marilynne N Kirshbaum, RGN PhD FHEA from Charles Darwin University, Australia who brought material on The Evidence Based Practice of Cancer Care. The moderator in session 1 is Ns. Indah Mei Rahajeng, S.Kep., MSc.
The second session of the keynote speaker presentation started at 13.30 WITA and was guided by the moderator Ns Emmy Savitri Karin, S.Kep. In session 2, the keynote speaker from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, namely Associate Professor Dr. Urai Hatthakit presented material with the topic " Health Perspective: Tourism in Nursing". The next keynote speaker was Professor Michelle Palmer, MSN from the University of Rhode Island, USA who presented the topic of " Perspective on Maternal Health and Nursing". All participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in this event, as evidenced by the number of participants who asked questions during the discussion session.
At 15.30-17.00 WITA, the event continued with an oral presentation session. This activity was held in three different places, namely in the Sabha Agung Room, Bangli 1 and Bangli 2. Participants also divided themselves according to their respective schedules and rooms. The oral presentation session was held on a panel basis, with 10 minutes for each presenter, followed by a discussion session at the end of the session. The assessment process is carried out by the jury who are also spread out in each room, namely ; Michael Joseph S. Dino, PhD, MAN, RN, Professor Kimiko Nagasawa, PhD, and Michell Katrina Gonong. The three judges will determine the best 1 person in each room as the best speaker . At 17.00-19.00 the first day of the event is closed with a welcome dinner .
The second day of the implementation of The 2nd INC starts at 08.30 WITA. The presentation of the 3rd session was moderated by: Ns. Putu Oka Yuli Nurhesti, M.Kep. The keynote speaker for this session was Michael Joseph S.Dino,PhD,MAN,RN from Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines who brought material with the topic " Toward Borderless Healthcare: Telehealth Technology for Building Healthier Communities ". The next keynote speaker was Professor Kimiko Nagasawa, PhD from the University of Kochi, Japan, who delivered material on " Global Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing ". At 10.30-12.00 WITA, the 2nd oral presentation session was held. Before the closing ceremony , the best posters and 3 best speakers from each room were announced. One of the jury also announced the 5 best manuscripts that would be assisted for international publication. Finally, at the end of the event, the student choir of HMIK PSSKPN FK UNUD performed the closing ceremony song Sigulempong and flashlight mix when we were young which made the participants feel amazed and impressed. All activities take place according to the schedule that has been prepared.