Signing of Cooperation Between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Abiansemal District

Signing of Cooperation Between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Abiansemal District

The Information Management and Cooperation Unit at the initiation of the Master of Biomedical Sciences Study Program carried out collaboration with the Abiansemal District in the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education to support the performance of the Faculty of Medicine as an educational institution. The ceremonial signing of this Cooperation Agreement with the sub-district's facilitation was held on April 17 2024, taking place in the meeting room of the Abiansemal District Head's Office.

This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, Coordinator of UPIKS, Coordinator of the Master's Study Program in Biomedical Sciences, Coordinator of the Master's Study Program in Sports Physiology, as well as Representative of the Undergraduate Medical and Professional Doctor Study Program Collaboration, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Specialist in Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Specialist Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology Specialist, Neurology Specialist, and Radiology Specialist.

The Abiansemal sub-district party was attended by the sub-district head, namely

Ida Bagus Putu Mas Arimbawa, S.Sos, Village Headquarters, Kelian Banjar Dinas, PKK organizers, Karang Taruna Chair, and Yowana Chair. Abiansemal District consists of 18 villages, each of which has unique characteristics. The results of the brainstorming at this event expressed the need for village communities in Abiansemal District for a study of health problems and solutions to become the basis for planning and implementing subsequent village programs.

The sub-district and village parties are very enthusiastic about waiting for the realization of this cooperation agreement in order to improve the level of public health and hope for the continuation of research and community service activities.