
Research Methodology and Statistics Training
Selasa, 7 Mei 2019
In order to improve the quality of human resources in the field of research methodology and statistics, LPPAPSI Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga will hold a Parametric and No Read More...
Comparative study of HM Psychology Brawijaya
Minggu, 5 Mei 2019
Denpasar, May 4, 2019 . In the framework of his visit to the island of Bali, the Psychology Student Association (HM) Universitas Brawijaya conducted a comparative study with HM Psychology at Udayan Read More...

The Peak of PSIKM's 18th Anniversary Celebration
Jumat, 3 Mei 2019
The celebration of the 18th PSIKM Anniversary which was attended by the Vice Dean III, PSKM Study Program, PSIK Study Program, Physiotherapy Study Program and student organization leaders such as t Read More...
Memorial lecture of Prof. dr I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah and handing over of mementos to Professors who have retired
Jumat, 3 Mei 2019
Denpasar, May 2, 2019