Appreciation Night of the 2022 Physiotherapy Student Association of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

The Physiotherapy Student Association of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held an Appreciation Night 2022 with the theme "Abiwada Kulawarga" on Saturday, December 24 2022 which took place in dr. AA Djelantik, 4th floor of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.

The holding of this activity is to give appreciation to the lecturers/staff and students of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Professional Physiotherapy Study Program (PSSFPF) of FK Unud who have struggled and contributed, both in the academic and non-academic fields for the advancement of the study program.

The 2022 HM Physiotherapy Appreciation Night was attended by:

1.Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani S.Ked. M.Kes., as PSSFPF Coordinator FK Unud

2. Ftr. Ari Wibawa, S.St.Ft., M.Fis as Head of the Physiotherapy Department

3. Ftr. Anak Ayu Nyoman Trisna Narta Dewi, SSt.Ft, M.Fis as HM Physiotherapy Advisor

4. Made Handy Chandrayana as Head of HM Physiotherapy 2022/2023

5. Lecturers and staff of PSSFPF FK Unud

6. PSSFPF FK Udayana students class of 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

This activity consisted of several series of events including giving appreciation to students who excel in both academic and non-academic fields, reading nominations for lecturers and students, as well as various entertainment programs.