Bachelor of Public Health and Master of Public Health Sciences Study Program Hold Public Health Guest Lecture series 2025 with Speakers from Vital Strategies
In commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day which is commemorated every March 24, the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program (PSSKM) and the Master of Public Health Science Study Program (PSMIKM), Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held a Public Health Guest Lecture with speakers from Vital Strategies, Singapore. Raising the topic "Integrative Approaches to End the Double Burden of Tubeculosis and Tobacco Use", this event was held in the Dr. A.A Made Djelantik Room, FK Unud Denpasar Building (19/3/2025).
This activity presented a well-known speaker in the field of Tobacco Control, namely Tara Singh Bam, MPH, Ph.D, Director, Tobacco Control Asia Pacific, Vital Strategies, Singapore with moderator PSSKM FK Unud Lecturer, Dr. dr. I Ketut Suarjana, S.Ked., MPH.
Officially opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning of FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K), on this occasion dr. Eka Wiratnaya expressed his appreciation for the opportunity for international collaboration and hoped that this activity could broaden the insights of students and lecturers about integrative approaches to end the double burden of tuberculosis disease and tobacco use and strengthen academic relations between FK Unud and global institutions.
Attended by the Coordinator of PSSKM FK Unud, dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, S.Ked., MPH., Ph.D, health practitioners, lecturer staff and students of the Bachelor of Public Health and Master of Public Health Study Programs, on this occasion Tara Singh Bam explained about the highest risk factors for tuberculosis in Indonesia caused by smoking habits in the community so that the right strategic steps are needed in dealing with these problems. With this, it is hoped that a more effective and efficient solution will emerge in dealing with global challenges to tuberculosis.