Dentistry Profession Judisium January 2023 Period

Dentistry Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Dentistry Profession Judisium which took place in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Building 4, Udayana University Hospital. (10/2/2023)

This event was attended by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry and the Dentist Profession; Dr. drg. Putu Lestari Sudirman, M.Biomed and Dental Professional Education Coordinator (Kordik); drg. I Gusti Ayu Fienna Novianthi Siartha, Sp.KG.

Based on the Decree of the National Committee for Competency Testing of Dentist Professional Program Students Number: 64/KEP/UKMP2DG/II-2023, 9 new dentists were declared competent after passing the theory test and practical test at UKMP2DG which took place on 28-29 January 2023.