Dr. Trifena, M.Si., M.Biomed (AAM) Doctor Promotion Online Open Exam

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Located in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, there has been a Doctoral Promotion exam conducted online on behalf of dr. Tryfena, M.Si.,M.Biomed(AAM) with the dissertation title "Metformin Gel Administration Accelerates Wound Healing Through Decreased MDA Levels, Increased Fibroblast Count, Increased VEGF Expression And TGF BETA1 mRNA Expression In Male Wistar Rat Skins That Experienced an Premature Aging Process ”

The Open Examination was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K) with the testing team:

1. Prof.Dr.dr. Wimpie I Pangkahila, SpAnd-KSAAM (Promoter)

2. Prof.Dr. dr. AAG Budhiarta, SpPD-KEMD (Copromotor I)

3. Dr. dr. Anak Agung Gde Putra Wiraguna SpKK(K) (Copromotor II)

4. Prof. Dr. dr. J. Alex Pangkahila, M.Sc., SpAnd-KSAAM

5. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Jawi, M.Kes

6. Prof.dr. Franciscus D. Suyatna, Ph.D., SpFK

7. Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, MS., SpGK

8. Dr. dr. Anak Agung Ayu Ngurah Susraini, SpPA(K)

9. Dr.dr. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, SpPA(K)

10. Dr. dr. Made Ratna Saraswati, SpPD-KEMD.,FINASIM

While the academic invitations are:

1. Dr. dr. Ida Sri Iswari, SpMK., M.Kes

2. Dr. dr. Desak Made Wihandani, M.Kes

3. Dr. dr. Ni Putu Sriwidnyani, SpPA

4. Dr. rer.nat.dr. Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi, M.Si

5. Dr. dr. I Made Muliarta, M.Kes

In this exam, Dr.dr. Tripena, M.Si., M. Biomed (AAM) as the 290th Graduate of Udayana Doctoral with VERY SATISFACTORY predicate