Education Workshop (Improvement of Curriculum, Strategic Plan, and Guidebook) Specialist Study Program of Psychiatric Medicine Faculty of Medicine UNUD

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

In the context of implementing the Education Workshop (Improvement of Curriculum, Strategic Plan, and Guidebooks) Specialist Study Program of Psychiatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UNUD, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr.dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) attended and gave a virtual speech.

This activity was also attended by External Stakeholders including:

1. Representatives of PS Alumni Specialist in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Unud

2. Representatives of users of PS Specialist Psychiatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Unud

3. Network and Affiliate Hospital Representative

4. Psychiatric Specialist Lecturers of FK Unud

5. Students of Psychiatric Medicine Specialist FK Unud

According to the Coordinator of Psychiatric Medicine Specialist FK UNUD – dr. Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani, Sp.KJ(K) the objectives of this workshop are:

1. Review the profile formulation of the PS Specialist Psychiatric Medicine FK UNUD graduate.

2. Reviewing the formulation of graduate learning outcomes (CPL) PS Psychiatric Specialist, FK Unud.

3. Reviewing and adjusting the curriculum for the Medical Specialist School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UNUD.