FK Unud Graduates Three New Clinical Microbiology Specialist Doctors

In order to celebrate the graduation of students, the FK Unud Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program held a graduation ceremony for students (Residents) in room 3.01, FK Unud Denpasar Building. (15/8/2024)

On this occasion, the FK Unud Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program released three new specialists, namely:

  1. dr. Ika Nurvidha Mahayanti Mantra, Sp.MK

  2. dr. I Gede Wahyu Toya Pratama, Sp.MK

  3. dr. Jeffry Prabowo, Sp.MK

The event began with a report from the Coordinator of the FK Unud Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program, dr. Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, Sp.MK (K)., Ph.D., Chair of the Microbiology Department, Dr. dr. Ni Made Adi Tarini, S.Ked., Sp.MK (K), followed by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Prof. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. On this occasion Prof. Januartha congratulated the three new clinical microbiology specialists and hoped that the graduates could practice their knowledge well when serving the community.

"Congratulations to the FK Unud Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program for its success in being able to carry out education on time in accordance with what has been determined. And students who are still undergoing the education process, hopefully this can be a motivation for enthusiasm to undergo education on time.

Keep your knowledge up to date so that you always have the ability to meet the needs of the community, and maintain professionalism in carrying out your duties so that you can make your alma mater proud. Provide input to the study program so that it can be an improvement material for the study program, "he said.

The event was also attended by Professor of Clinical Microbiology, Prof. Dr. dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Sp.MK, Ph.D, representatives from Prof. IGNG Ngoerah Hospital, lecturers and residents in the Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program. The event was closed by giving a graduation sash and congratulations by the Dean and lecturers in the FK Unud Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program.