FK Unud, Kemenkes RI and Ambon City Health Office Collaborate to Provide Training to Increase HR Capacity in Planning and Preparation of Work Plans in 2025

The Bachelor of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) carried out activities to increase the capacity of human resources in planning and preparing the work plan of the Ambon City Health Office in 2025. This program is a collaboration between FK Unud with the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Ambon City Health Office through Global Fund funding for 6 months with various activities including training, seminars / workshops, field visits and assistance in preparing the Work Plan of the Health Office (Renja Dinkes) of Ambon City in 2025. The team from FK Unud was chaired by Dr. dr. Ketut Suarjana MPH, with team members Dr. Arya Utami, MPH, Ph.D, Putu Suaryani, SKM, M.DevHealth and Dr. Made Kerta Duana, SKM, MPH.

As a first step, the mentoring program is aimed at developing cross-sectoral cooperation in the health sector with workshop activities that present speakers, namely dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, MPH, Ph.D. (23/10/2024). The workshop was attended and opened by the Acting Mayor of Ambon Dominggus N. Raya, along with the Head of the Ambon City Health Office drg. Wendy Palupessy. M.Kes.

Dr. dr. Ketut Suarjana, MPH, as the Team leader, said that the purpose of the activity in the short term is the formation of quality work plans based on public health needs and synchronization with local government work plans. So that in the long term the achievement of SPM Health in Ambon city can be 100% and the Public Health Development Index (IPKM) of Ambon City can be improved.

The Mayor greatly appreciated and thanked the city of Ambon for being chosen as one of the assisted areas, because this activity in addition to producing a good and quality work plan is of course also very useful in increasing the capacity of human resources, especially health center personnel and health workers in the field of program planning at the Health Office.

"We hope that the cooperation can be further enhanced, especially between institutions and cross-sectors, as well as community leaders in order to contribute to health development in Ambon City." he said.

Prof. dr. Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH, Ph.D., as Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information of FK Unud who is also the supervisor of this program views the importance of this collaboration as a form of obligation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Prof. Ady hopes that this collaboration will contribute to the development of public health and strengthening of health human resources in the regions, so that further cooperation can be carried out for other regions that have the same problems.