Inauguration of the Chief of Staff of the Menwa Ugraçena Bali Corps for the 2021-2023 Period

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

In connection with the Formation of Staff of the Menwa Ugraçena Bali Corps as a forum for sustainable Menwa regeneration, today the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB.,SpOT(K) attended the inauguration ceremony of the Chief of Staff of the Menwa Ugraçena Bali Corps for the 2021-2023 period at the Ugraçena Student Regiment Monument, Bangsal Struggle Monument Area, Sempidi-Badung.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Chairman of the Indonesian Menwa Corps of Bali Province (Bagus Ngurah Rai, SH.,MBA.,MM), the Chairman of the Ugraçena Building Foundation (I Made Dharma Putra, SS., MTP), and the Battalion Commander A-901/Mayurajana (Muhammad Wahyu Maulana Fajri). and several deputy deans in Unud.

Elected through deliberation between members, Mumtazah Mardliyah, S.Ked who is a student of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University was elected as Chief of Staff of the Bali Ugraçena Menwa Corps for the 2021-2023 Period.

In a brief interview, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K) congratulated Mumtazah Mardliyah as Chief of Staff for the Menwa Ugraçena Bali Corps for the 2021-2023 Period and invited Menwa to collaborate with the Medical Assistance Team Janar Duta FK Unud.