Komkordi Unit Meeting
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FK Unud Dr.dr.I Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Si.,SpMK(K) held a meeting with the Head of the Komkordik Unit Dr.dr. I Gusti Putu Suka Aryana, SpPD-KGER, FINASIM and the team.
Some of the results of the discussions at this meeting resulted in the following agreements:
1. MKDU will strive to become SKS issued with uniform numbering through Audiences (history, benefits and problems that arise).
2. Soft skills will be sought to be part of the course with material from KOMKORDIK
3. The TOR at KOMKORDIK is made based on the interests of the activity (can be submitted to the FK
or to the hospital). The TORs that will be submitted are: TOR for books (FK), Clinical teacher, soft skills, pradik (Hospital for HR)
4. The organizational structure of KOMKORDIK will take human resources from Diklit
5. Discipline Ethics Book will be distributed to hospitals and students.
6. The KOMKORDIK web that has been bridged between USDI and KOMKORDIK data is also RS
require follow-up.
7. A free administrative letter will be issued from KOMKORDIK including a journal (manuscript) and a letter of completion of assignment (for those who are studying).