Meeting Report from the International Program Coordinator at FK Unud

Friday, 12 June 2020

The Dean of FK Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT (K) and the Vice Deans received a report from the International Program Coordinator at FK Unud (Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes.), after attending a meeting with the Chairperson of KUI, Mrs. Pujianiki and the Rector of Unud who discussed about;
1. Each faculty has at least 1 international program at the undergraduate or postgraduate level and if possible, each study program prepares an international program.
2. The University's KUI will facilitate international programs at Unud
3. International programs can be in the form of sending overseas students or cooperation in the field of double degrees or internships