Senate Meeting of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud January 2021

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Senate of the Faculty of Medicine Unud held an online meeting through the Webex media. This online video conference meeting was opened directly by the Chair of the Unud FK Senate Prof.Dr.dr. Made Wiryana, Sp.An.KIC.,KAO accompanied by the Secretary of the Senate of FK Unud Dr.dr. Desak Made Wihandani, M.Kes. The agenda for the Senate Meeting this time discussed several topics including:

1. Approval of FK Quality Documents;

2. Ratification of Study Program Standard Documents;

3. Ratification of SPMI Book for ENT-KL Study Program;

4. Ratification of the Udayana Medical Faculty Strategic Plan for the 2020-2024 Period

5. Lecturer Promotion

The Faculty Senate Meeting in January 2021 was also attended virtually by the Dean of FK Unud Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K), Vice Deans, and members of the Senate of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud.