Specialist Service Cooperation Agreement with Bhayangkara Hospital Denpasar

Friday, November 6, 2020

Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Signs Specialist Service Cooperation Agreement with Bhayangkara Hospital Denpasar

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K) together with Karumkit Bhayangkara Denpasar Advisor Dr. Ni Made Murtini, MARS signed the Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of Specialist Health Services to the community in the Prasanti Rucita Grihasta Meeting Room at Bhayangkara Hospital Denpasar. Friday, 06/11/2020.

The event was also attended by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Prof.Dr.dr. AA Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., SpPK(K), Coordinator of Anesthesia Specialist Study Program and Intensive Therapy Prof. Dr. dr. Made Wiryana, SpAn.KIC.KAO and their team.

On this occasion, the Dean of FK Prof. Suyasa conveyed that the purpose of this collaboration was not only to improve medical services in the field of specialist services but also to provide opportunities for senior residents of the Faculty of Medicine UNUD to gain experience at Bhayangkara Hospital Denpasar.

Meanwhile, Prof. Wiryana also said that for the development of trauma center services, it is necessary to increase the number of specialist doctors such as anesthesiologists, surgeons and special nurses and provide supporting equipment such as MSCT, MRI.

The activity continued with the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between Bhayangkara Hospital Denpasar and the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University witnessed by the invitees who were present.

The event ended by visiting Bhayangkara Hospital services, namely ICU, VK, ER, polyclinic, Laboratory Unit and Hyperbaric Unit.