Supporting Mental Health and Preventing Suicide Cases, Department of Psychiatry FK Unud Organizes National Seminar "How to Be Resilient During Stressful Life Events"

Supporting Mental Health and Preventing Suicide Cases, Department of Psychiatry FK Unud Organizes National Seminar "How to Be Resilient During Stressful Life Events"

In order to commemorate World Mental Health Day and World Suicide Prevention Day, the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Hospital Denpasar held a seminar entitled "How to Be Resilient During Stressful Life Events." The event took place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, in the 5th Floor Polyclinic Building Hall of RSUP Ngoerah, attended by representatives from each department / group of medical staff, PPDS residents, and other invited guests.

The seminar was opened with remarks by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning of FK Udayana University, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K)., President Director of RSUP Ngoerah, dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes., and Chairperson of the Department of Psychiatry FK Udayana University, dr. Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, Sp.KJ (K)., who conveyed the importance of mental strengthening in dealing with stressful situations experienced by medical personnel and the general public, especially in challenging life situations.

The first material was delivered by Dr. dr. I Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG-Subsp. Obginsos with the theme "Bullying among Students." In his presentation, Dr. Darmayasa explained the serious impact of bullying on students' mental and physical health, as well as how a resilient approach can help them overcome the pressure.

The next session was presented by Dr. Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, Sp.KJ., Subsp.K.L(K), who talked about "Stress Management and Resilience." She emphasized the importance of proper stress management skills to support individual resilience in dealing with various life pressures.

The third session, which is very relevant to the situation of university students, was presented by Dr. Ni Ketut Sri Diniari, Sp.KJ., Subsp.Ger(K), with the theme "Prevention of Depression and Suicide among Students." Dr. Diniari explained prevention strategies that can be carried out by educational institutions and families to detect early and handle cases of depression and suicide risk among students.

The last session featured Dr. Agung Bagus Sista Satyarsa, who shared his personal experience in dealing with the initial situation as a PPDS resident, a crucial phase in a doctor's academic and professional career.

The seminar received a positive response and high enthusiasm from the 230 participants who attended. Open interactive discussions on each material session also showed great concern from the medical community for mental health in the educational and professional environment.

This seminar is expected to be the first step to encourage further awareness and support for mental health issues, especially among medical personnel and students.



