Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Holds Guest Lecture with the Topic of Improving the Competence of Health Human Resources in the Era of Health Transformation

Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Holds Guest Lecture with the Topic of Improving the Competence of Health Human Resources in the Era of Health Transformation

In order to improve the competence and knowledge of students and teaching staff in the field of improving the competence of health human resources, the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held a guest lecture with the theme "Improving the Competence of Health Human Resources in the Era of Health Transformation" at the Dr. A.A. Made Djelantik Room, FK Unud Building, Denpasar. (3/12/2024)

Moderated by Ni Made Dian Kurniasari, SKM., MPH and Desak Nyoman Widyanthini, S.ST., M.Kes, this guest lecture invited 6 speakers, namely:

1. Dr. Bdn. Ni Made Parwati, S.ST., SKM., M.Kes., S.H., M.H.Kes., (Guest speaker) as the Head of UPTD BAPELKESMAS of the Bali Provincial Health Office with the material "Improving the Competence of Health Human Resources in the Era of Health Transformation".

2. Dr. Ketut Hari Mulyawan, S.Kom., MPH

3. Rina Listyowati, S.SIT., M.Kes

4. Dr. I Made Kerta Duana, SKM., MPH.

5. dr. Ni Wayan Septarini, MPH., Ph.D

6. I Gede Herry Purnama, ST., MT., MIDEA

Participants of this guest lecture came from lecturers, students of the Undergraduate Program in Public Health, FK Unud, and students of the Masters Program in Public Health, FK Unud. The guest lecture was opened by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D, who on this occasion said that the topic of this guest lecture was very appropriate because human resources are the pillars of transformation in the health sector to face future challenges.

"Hopefully, with the holding of this guest lecture, it can deepen understanding regarding ways to improve the competence of health resources to face the era of transformation of the world of health," he said.