Virtual Learning “Recognizing and Preventing Mental Disorders in Sanglah Hospital Health Workers”

Friday, August 13, 2021

Novel Corona Virus disease (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly, including in Indonesia. The increasing number of patients puts a higher workload than usual. In addition, the risk of exposure is also a major stressor and also affects mental health, especially for health workers.

In this regard, the Department/KSM of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Unud/RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, held a Virtual Learning seminar for health workers with the theme "Recognizing and Preventing Mental Disorders in Health Workers at Sanglah Hospital".

This activity is planned to be held regularly every Friday for one month as a form of concern and mental support for health workers at Sanglah Hospital, especially in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In today's first session, the event was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi.,SpMK(K) who on this occasion expressed his high appreciation to the Department of Psychiatry for bringing up this theme. Through this meeting, hopefully we can protect and prevent our health workers from mental disorders.

"Hopefully this meeting can also provide an understanding of the early symptoms of mental health disorders in our health workers." He closed which also marked the opening of the event.

This time, Virtual Learning invited resource person Dr.dr. Lely Setyawati Kurniawan, SpKJ (K) to present the material, namely; Regarding Signs of Mental Disorders (Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Panic, PTSD) .

This event was also attended by the President Director of Sanglah Hospital, the Head of the Psychiatry Department, the Coordinator of the Psychiatric Specialist Study Program, and participants from health workers at Sanglah Hospital.

The purpose of holding this activity is to integrate and optimize mental health support for health workers in the pandemic era, and to be able to recognize mental disorders as a preventive and promotive effort for mental health problems in health workers at Sanglah Hospital Denpasar.