BATIK committee audience with the Governor

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mr. Dean of FK Udayana Prof. I Ketut Suyasa and the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance (Dr. AA. Wiradewi Lestari) together with the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office attended the Audience of the Bali Psychiatry Recent National Seminar (BATIK) committee with the Governor of Bali Dr. I Wayan Koster is located in the Living Room of the Governor of Bali Province. The hearing was accompanied by the Head of the Department of Psychiatry/Sanglah Hospital who is also the Chairperson of the Committee (dr NK Putri Ariani, SpKJ), PS Coordinator. Psychiatry Specialist/committee (dr. LN Alit Ariani, SpKJ (K), dr NK Sri Diniari, SpKJ (K) as the committee, dr Tri Oktin Windha Daniaty and dr Regina Astari T as the committee.

The results of this hearing include:
1. The Governor approved and supported the latest Bali National Psychiatry seminar (BATIK)
2. The Governor approved the Governor as the keynote speaker with the theme: "The Role of the Family in Community Mental Health"
3. The Governor gave suggestions for the BATIK event to be opened by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
4. The Governor approved and supported the WELLCOME DINNER event on March 27, 2020