Doctor Promotion Online Open Exam dr Gde Budiarta, Sp.An., KMN

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Located in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, there has been a Doctoral Promotion exam conducted online on behalf of dr. I Gde Budiarta, Sp.An., KMN with the title "Subanesthetic Dose Ketamine Premedication Reduces Levels II-1b, II-6 and Increases Levels II-10 And Improves Clinical Outcome in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section Surgery with Subarachnoid Spinal Block Anesthesia."

The open exam this time was led by the Dean of Medical Faculty Unud Prof.Dr.dr.I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B.Sp.OT(K) with a team of examiners:

1. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Wiryana, Sp. An-KIC (Promoter)

2.Prof.Dr.dr.I Made Bakta, Sp.PD-KHOM (Copromotor I)

3.Dr.dr.Tjokorda Gde Agung Senapathi,Sp.An.,KAR (Copromotor II)

4. Prof. dr. H Darto Satoto, Sp. An., KAR

5. Prof. Dr. dr. Made Jawi, M.Kes

6. Prof. Dr. dr. Tjokorda Gde Bagus Mahadewa, M. Kes., Sp. BS (K) Spinal, FICS

7.Prof.Dr. dr. AA Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K)

8. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Gede Budiana, Sp.OG(K)

9. Dr.dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K)

While the academic invitations are:

1. Dr. dr. I Wayan Sudarsa, Sp.B.(K) Onk

2. Dr. dr. Anak Agung Gde Putra Wiraguna, Sp.KK(K)

3. Dr. dr. I Made Oka Adnyana, Sp.S(K)

4. Dr.dr.Desak Made Wihandani,M.Kes

5. Dr. dr. Wayan Niryana, M. Kes., Sp. BS (K)

In this exam, Dr. dr Gde Budiarta, Sp.An., KMN graduated as the 291st Udayana Doctoral Graduate with the title "VERY SATISFACTORY"