Emergency Seminar (SKGD) and Workshop "AED in Action: Management of Cardiac Arrest in the Modern Era"

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Emergency Seminar (SKGD) and Workshop "AED in Action: Management of Cardiac Arrest in Modern Era" Medical Aid Team Janar Duta FK Unud

Registration has been opened starting at 07.30 WITA in the Meeting Room of AA Made Djelantik and the event began with a speech from the chairman of the committee, followed by remarks from the chairman of TBM Janar Duta and the chairman of BEM FK Unud, then the event was officially opened by dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara, M. Biomed, Sp. And represented the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information who was unable to attend.
Giving the first material about Overview in Cardiac Arrest by dr. Agus Wismantara, Sp.JP, FIHA accompanied by moderator dr. Ni Luh Putu Rustiadewi, S.Ked

The purpose of this event is to increase and update participants' knowledge about handling medical emergencies related to cardiac arrest and AED and CPR simulations.