Friday, November 22, 2019 was a special day where the Specialist Medical Education Institution of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University again held a graduation and thanksgiving event for new specialist doctors. Located in the meeting room of the Department of Surgery, Sanglah Hospital, 11 new surgical specialist graduates and 1 new surgical oncology graduate were welcomed:
Jemmy Sasongko, Sp.B(K)Onk Made Dharmendra Widetya, Sp.B Ryandi Satrio, Sp.BI Gede Tuban Eling Tulus Widiana, Sp.B Luciana, Sp.B Daniel Oktavianus Dau, Sp.BI Nyoman Tri Pradiptha, Sp. B Ronald Natawidjaja, Sp.BI Gede Adithya Krishna Santhi, Sp.B Hery Sutanto Koerniawan, Sp.B Stephanus Haryanto Hokardi, Sp.BThe faces full of enthusiasm and gratitude appeared from every graduate who attended the event location accompanied by his family and closest people. Exactly at 11 noon, the event was opened by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. dr. I Ketut Wiargitha, SpB(K) Trauma as Coordinator of the Surgical Study Program, FK UNUD/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, officially opened this event. In his speech, he stressed to each new graduate the importance of remembering the initial vision and mission when they set foot in the residential world, what goals they wanted to achieve, and what struggles they had gone through to finally get to this point. The new graduates are expected to be able to interpret all the processes that have been passed, stay focused on the next steps to be taken and always remember that the medical profession will always be related to the process of serving the community and improving the quality of health services.
The event was also attended by representatives of the director of Sanglah Hospital, representatives of the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, professors of Surgery, Head of the Department of Surgery, staff, and surgical residents.
The event continued with the procession of handing over certificates and ceremonial kissing the red and white flag. The new surgeon and oncology surgeon then gave a few words or two about the ups and downs experience and provided input to the institution. Gratitude continues to flow to every teacher and senior who has played a major role in providing knowledge both theoretically and practically.
The ceremonial event closed with the handing over of mementos from the surgeon and the new surgeon oncology to the Head of the Surgery Study Program and to the Head of the Specialist II Educational Center for Surgical Oncology Consultant Dep/KSM Surgical Sciences, FK UNUD. There are also souvenirs from resident representatives given to new surgeons. After the ceremonial event took place, the event was closed with lunch together while listening to the music of the surgical band "WARS".
We congratulate and are proud of the surgeons and surgical oncology specialists who have graduated during this period. Hopefully they can become excellent prints that can bring the good name of the alma mater and family in health services to the community in the future.