KIH FK Unud Basic Training 2024/2025
The Hippocrates Scientific Group of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KIH FK Unud) held the 2024/2025 KIH Basic Training (Latdas) on January 24-26, 2025 at the Bali Province Human Resources Competency Development UPTD, which aims to increase student interest and talent in the scientific field.
The first day of the event was attended by the Dean of FK Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who officially opened the event. In his speech, Prof. Januartha expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm of the participants and hopes that Latdas can produce students who excel in scientific work. Remarks were also given by the KIH Advisor, Dr. dr. Desak Made Wihandani, M.Kes., who provided motivation to continue to contribute in the scientific field. The Chairperson of KIH, Putu Mirah Wahyu Subagia Putri in her speech appreciated the active participation of participants in the series of activities. After the opening, the event continued with the presentation of the Literature Review and Essay finalists, which became a showcase for the finalists.
The second day was filled with Public Poster and Educational Video presentations, where participants displayed their work creatively and interactively. In addition, the Grand Final Debate was held, which brought together the best finalists to debate arguments related to relevant motions.
The third day was the closing of the entire series of activities of Pralatdas-Latdas KIH FK Unud. The event ended with awards to the best finalists in each category, and was officially closed by the committee.
This activity was attended by all prospective members of KIH 21 and ran smoothly. It is hoped that this Latdas can prepare the participants to become a generation of young scientists who excel and benefit the community.