National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine (NASWAAM)

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Center for Anti-Aging Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with INCAAM, InAAM, PERSANDI and IDI held a National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine (NASWAAM) with the theme "True Healthy Life with Anti-Aging Medicine" which was held for three years. days from 05 to 07 February 2021 online and the event was attended and opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University Prof.Dr. AA Raka Sudewi, SpS(K). The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B, SpOT(K) also attended this event as well as gave a speech to give appreciation and support to the Center for Anti-Aging Medicine, FK Unud for holding this symposium.

The purpose of holding this symposium and workshop is to inform about the importance of the science of Anti-Aging Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicine that has been developed at FK Unud, which is expected to make an extraordinary contribution in the future, so that Indonesian people become a quality nation.

This symposium was attended by doctors interested in Anti-Aging Medicine from various regions in Indonesia. This event raised topics related to various aspects of human life that must be improved in order to stay healthy and of good quality. These topics are presented in the form of Plenary Lectures, Symposiums, and Workshops.

The speakers who spoke in this event were Prof.Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd-KSAAM., Prof. Dr. dr. Alex Pangkahila, SpAnd-KSAAM., Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD., Prof. Dr. dr. AAG Budhiartha, SpPD-KEMD., Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, MSi, SpGK., Dr. dr. Thomas Eko Purwata, SpS-K, FAAN., Dr. dr. AAGP Wiraguna, SpKK-K., Dr. dr. Dian Andriani, SpKK, MBiomed(AAM)., Dr. dr. Liza Wijaya, MBiomed(AAM)., dr. Fransisca Mochtar, SpOG-K, MBiomed(AAM)., dr.Johanes Soedjono, MKes, SpAnd-KSAAM., Dr. dr. Teguh Tanuwidjaja, MBiomed (AAM)., and dr. Kristian Sanjaya, MBiomed(AAM).