Wednesday, February 12, 2020

This workshop took place at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur. This activity was held in collaboration with the Udayana Center for Research Center for NCDs, Tobacco Control and Lung Health, Udayana University with the Bali Provincial Health Office. The purpose of this workshop is to build cross-sectoral collaboration and formulate advanced strategies in the cigarette control program in Bali Province in 2020. The event was opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University and attended by various related parties and invitees including the Regent of Klungkung, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, related OPD elements (Health Office, Satpol PP, Investment and PTSP Office, Education Office), Traditional Village Councils, Health Organizations, Health Universities, Tourism Organizations, Youth Organizations and other Community Organizations throughout the Province of Bali.
The opening of the event began with a report from the chairman of the committee, Mr. Made Kerta Duana, followed by remarks from the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office and remarks from the Chancellor of Udayana University as well as opening the event.

The event presented speakers including Mr. Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta, Head of the Bali Prop Health Service, Executive Director of PHRI Bali, academics of Unud customary law, researchers from PSKM FK Unud and testimonials from cigarette victims.
The event ended with a discussion of the follow-up plan (RTL) to identify problems and develop further strategies in each region.