Tabanan Correctional Institution, Class IIB, collaborates with Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine to improve mental health services and guidance for inmates and detainees.

Thursday, February 3, 2022.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr.dr.Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, accompanied by the Deputy Deans and the Coordinator of the Psychiatric Specialist Study Program, the Head of the Department of Psychiatry, and the Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit, received a visit from Class IIB Tabanan Penitentiary, which was led by Raden Budiman Priatna Kusumah, A.Md.IP.SH.MH as Head of Class IIB Tabanan Penitentiary on this occasion, I Gusti Agus Putra Mahendra, A. Md.IP.SH.M, Head of Guidance for Inmates of Students and Work Activities, and dr. Luh Putu Tresnadewi in the Meeting Room of the Dean

This meeting took place as part of a signing ceremony for a collaboration agreement in the field of mental health services and development for detainees and prisoners.

The Dean expressed his gratitude and admiration for this collaborative effort on this occasion, and it is hoped that in the future, the breadth of cooperation would not be restricted to services and mental growth from the institution to inmates.

It is envisaged that the relationship between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, and the Correctional Institution can be promoted further in the future, given the existence of numerous study programs and as an educational institution that carries out the tri dharma of higher education. "We can also broaden the scope of cooperation in the future, perhaps in other fields, or perhaps there are related features that we can use as a kind of cooperation," Januartha continued.

The celebration came to a close with the presentation of souvenirs and a group photo.