Udayana PPDS Pradik Soft Skill Training
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The soft skill training of PPDS Udayana pradik was wrapped in a trekking familiarity event held in Jatiluwih, Tabanan-Bali. The purpose of this event is to strengthen and strengthen the unity among the new PPDS residents. This event was opened directly by the Dean of Medical Faculty Unud (Prof. I Ketut Suyasa) marked by the raising of the Start flag. Also attending this event were: PPDS Udayana pradik participants, Deputy Deans of FK Unud, heads of ksm of each section or those who represent, Koprodi of each study program or those who represent, Director of Sanglah Hospital or who represent, head of ppds pradik event Udayana, along with the residents of each study program.
On this occasion, the Dean said that; This event is intended to form " Character Building" from students who have just entered because they come from various medical faculties, so that they can have a sense of kinship and brotherhood because later in the learning process they will all interact with each other both among PPDS and with Residents. senior. And it is hoped that events like this in the future will continue to be carried out and have a positive impact.