Webinar Series Department of Psychiatry, FK Unud

Thursday, July 16, 2020

In order to welcome National Children's Day, the New Normal era and respond to the latest public mental health situation in the midst of a Pandemic. The Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Webinar Series which took place from 16 – 17 July 2020.

The first series for July 16, 2020 is divided into 2 sessions, with the theme for the first session "preventing family saturation in the COVID-19 PANDEMI", and the second session with the theme "MENTAL HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY AND CHRONIC DISEASES IN THE TIME OF COVID-19"

For the First Session, this Webinar was held Live via Webex with the following speakers:
1. dr. IGA Indah Ardani, SpKJ (K)
2. Dr. dr. AA Sri Wahyuni, SpKJ (K)

with moderators are: Dr.dr. Lely Setyawati, SpKJ (K)

Meanwhile, for the second session, the following speakers were present:

1. dr. Ni Ketut Sri Diniari, SpKJ (K)
2. dr. Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, SpKJ (K)

and the moderators are: dr. IA Kusuma Wardani, SpKJ (K)., MARS

The webinar, which was attended by 500 participants, was opened directly by the Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K). In his remarks, he said that hopefully this webinar will open our horizons, create strategies so that we can live side by side during this pandemic and how we can keep our families healthy without having to get tired of staying at home.

According to the Head of the Department of Psychiatry, dr. Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, Sp.KJ (K)., the purpose of holding this Webinar is to provide knowledge and information that is correct, acceptable, and trusted by the public. Where many people are currently experiencing anxiety and tension due to the pandemic situation and the amount of information overload that creates fear and panic.