World Earth Day (WEDA)

World Earth Day (WEDA)

In order to commemorate World Earth Day, the Environmental Care Student Group (KMPL) held World Earth Day (WEDA) which took place on the Sudirman campus. (3/15/25)

Green Campus Action is a collective movement that aims to create a greener and more beautiful campus environment through planting and caring for plants sustainably as a form of concern for the environment.

The World Earth Day (WEDA) activity is an activity organized by the Environmental Care Student Group (KMPL) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. In this activity, there are three series of activities held, one of which is Green Campus Action, which is a real action in an effort to green the environment of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Campus through planting gemitir flowers and pacah flowers.

This activity is open to the academic community of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine who want to contribute to preserving the environment.

By participating in this activity, we not only help maintain the balance of the ecosystem, but also learn and get directly involved to better appreciate the role of plants in life, because when we care for and love plants, they will provide countless benefits for humans and the earth.

The Green Campus Action event began with a speech from the Advisor of the Environmental Care Student Group (KMPL) Ns. I Kadek Saputra, S.Kep., M.Erg. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of environmental care participation that arises from the heart, not because of coercion, and the need to balance environmental concerns both externally and internally on campus.

Continued by the speech of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., as well as officially opening it. Prof. Ady said that he greatly appreciated this new initiative and hoped that KMPL could expand the action to the Jimbaran campus and make it a sustainable program. In addition, Prof. Ady encouraged KMPL to see opportunities for entrepreneurship and competition through plant nurseries, so that they not only contribute to environmental conservation, but also support the sustainability of the organization.

This event was also attended by a number of invitees from the Institute and the Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) of FK Unud.