2nd Bali Workshop on Music and Brain Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center

2nd Bali Workshop on Music and Brain Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes representing the Rector of Udayana University attended the ‘2nd Bali Workshop on Music and Brain’ held by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center at TSEA Campus, Kura-kura Bali. (12/1/2025)

This event was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tsinghua University. This event was also attended by the President's Special Staff for Creative Economy, Yopie Widianto, and opened by the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Stella Christie, PhD. At this public event, the world's leading expert in Sound Neuroscience, Prof. Xiaoqin Wang from John Hopkins University and Tsinghua University, gave a lecture entitled "How Does Music Affect the Brain and Our Health?" The lecture was enlivened by the performance of a musician from Indonesia who is also the Deputy Minister of Tourism, namely Giring Ganesha, as well as musicians from China when their brains were scanned with fNIRS (functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy).

This event was also attended by Lecturers of the Psychiatry Specialist Study Program Prof. Dr. dr. Cokorda Jaya Lesmana, Sp.KJ(K) and dr. IGA Indah Ardani, Sp.KJ(K).