Bali Infectious Disease Symposium XV (BIDS-XV) 2024

Bali Infectious Disease Symposium XV (BIDS-XV) 2024

Tropical and infectious diseases are still a global health problem, including in Indonesia. Seeing this phenomenon, the Division of Tropical and Infectious Diseases, Department/KSM Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/Ngoerah Hospital will again hold the XV Bali Infectious Disease Symposium on September 13-14, 2024.

This event takes the theme "Endemic Infectious Disease in Indonesia: Challenge in Diagnosis and Management" which is expected to contribute to the empowerment of professionals in the health sector in order to realize comprehensive health services and improve the quality of life of the community. This activity presents various resource persons who are experts in their fields, both teaching staff from Prof. IGNG Ngoerah Hospital, and external resource persons.

The event on September 13, 2024 took place at the Cakra Vidya Usadha Building, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, which was filled with a workshop divided into 2 sessions where the first session focused on the diagnostic approach for acute fever, while the second session focused on discussing the latest management of Dengue infection. On the first day, a scientific competition was also held in the form of an original article (participated by 7 participants) and a case report (participated by 12 participants) competing for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place for each category as well as the BIDS Award for the best writer.

On the second day, the symposium was held on September 14, 2024 at the Harris Cokroaminoto Hotel. This event was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, SpOT(K), Assistant Manager of Training at IGNG Ngoerah Hospital, dr. Ni Wayan Suardani, M.Biomed, and Head of Health Resources Division of the Bali Health Office, dr. Putu Camellia, M.Kes, who also opened the BIDS-XV 2024 event.

This symposium is divided into 5 sessions with 2 subtopics each and 2 plenary lectures. The 5 sessions discussed rational medical services, infectious diseases that still exist, the use of antibiotics in bacterial infections, HIV, and primary prevention focused on immunization. This event was attended by 56 participants from specialist doctors, general practitioners, interns, and students. The event ended with the announcement of the winners of the scientific competition in each category and the winners of the BIDS Award.