Covid -19 Vaccination Program Implementation Coordination Meeting in Cooperation with Halodoc and Gojek
Thursday, April 1, 2021
In order to participate in the success of the Covid-19 vaccination acceleration program from the Bali Provincial Government, the Dean of FK Unud, who on this occasion was represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi.,SpMK(K) held a Coordination Meeting for the Implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccination Program in collaboration between the Ministry of Health-Badung Regency Government-Udayana University Medical Faculty-Udayana University Hospital -Halodoc and Gojek located in the Prof dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah FK Unud.
This meeting was also attended by:
1. dr. Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, S.Ked, Sp.MK(K), PhD (Representative of Unud Medical Faculty)
2. dr. Literature (Representative of Badung District Health Office)
3. Ms. Adeline (Halodoc Jakarta Representative)
4. Mr. Charly (Gojek Representative)
5. Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc.PhD (Representative of UPPM FK Unud)
6. dr. Cokorda Agung Wahyu Purnama Sidhi, S.Ked., M.Biomed., Sp.PD and dr. KA Witarini, S.Ked., Sp.A(K) (Representative of Udayana University Hospital)
7. dr. I Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG (K) (Representative of Komkordik)
The hybrid meeting, offline and online (Zoom meeting) was opened by the Vice Dean as well as providing direction related to the coordination of the implementation of the above activities.
The coordination meeting began with a presentation from Halodoc who explained the implementation plan and experience of implementing the program in Jakarta, followed by a presentation from the representative of the Badung District Health Office (related to the availability of vaccines and vaccine targets).
Presentation from Udayana University Hospital and Komkordik which stated their readiness to support these activities from the aspect of preparing the place and medical human resources.
The coordination meeting ended with the conclusion that the implementation of the program would be carried out pending the availability of vaccines which would be informed by the Badung District Health Office.