Doctor Promotion Open Exam dr. Sari Wulan Dwi Sutanegara, Sp.THT-KL (K)
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Located in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, there has been a Doctoral Promotion exam conducted online on behalf of dr. Sari Wulan Dwi Sutanegara, Sp.ENT-KL (K) with the title "The Effect of Nasal Irrigation with Ethanol Extract of Dewandaru Leaves (Eugenia uniflora L) on IL-4 Levels, Expression of Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP) and Expression of H4 Receptors in the Nasal Mucosa of Wistar Rats suffering from allergic rhinitis."
The open exam this time was led directly by the Dean of the Unud Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, with a team of examiners:
1. Prof. Dr. dr. Tjokorda Gde Bagus Mahadewa, M.Kes., Sp.BS (K)Spinal, FICS, (Promoter)
2. Prof. drh. I Nyoman Mantik Astawa, Ph.D (Copromotor I)
3. Dr. dr. Ketut Suryana, Sp.PD-KAI (Copromotor II)
4. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, Sp.PD-KHOM
5. Prof. dr. Wayan Suardana, Sp.ENT-KL (K)
6. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Jawi, M.Kes
7. Prof. Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Sc., Sp.MK (K)
8. Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes
9. Dr. dr. I Wayan Niryana, M.Kes., Sp.BS(K)
While the academic invitations are:
1. Dr. dr. Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa, M.Kes, Sp.U(K)
2. Dr. dr. Susy Purnawati, M. KK
3. Dr. dr. I Putu Eka Widyadharma, M.Sc., Sp.S(K)
4. Dr. dr. I Made Muliarta, S.Ked., M.Kes
5. Dr. dr. Made Lely Rahayu, Sp.THT.KL(K)., FICS
In this exam, Dr. dr. Sari Wulan Dwi Sutanegara, Sp.THT-KL(K)., was declared graduated as the 328th Doctoral Graduate of Udayana University with the predicate VERY SATISFACTORY.