FK Unud Leadership Meeting July 2020
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
The Dean of FK Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K) led the FK Unud Leadership Meeting which was held via the Unud Webex media. This online leadership meeting was attended by Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Heads of Administrative Section, and Heads of Subdivisions at FK Unud.
On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. I Ketut Suyasa conveyed several things including:
1. The Dean's Performance Contract with the Chancellor has been signed and will be followed up by the Dean with the Coordi- nary of Study Programs, Head of Department and Head of Unit
2. Calling on all Coordinators of Study Programs and Kadep to support the Bali Provincial Health Service program by inviting fellow doctors, residents and specialists who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 positive to become Convalescent Plasma Therapy Donors
3. Encouraging all undergraduate education at FK Unud to have their own building on the Unud Bukit campus by applying for a land of about 4.5 hectares so that it can be side by side with Unud Hospital
4. Thank you to all the coordinators of study programs who have deposited guidelines for the new order of life in the New Normal era
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi., SpMK(K) conveyed about:
1. Information regarding the 137th graduation will be held on 30 August 2020, registration closes on 30 July 2020
2. The Udayana University Medical Faculty Strategic Plan 2020-2024 has been finalized and it remains only to provide a baseline for each activity indicator
3. PKKMB whose purpose is to provide briefing to new students will be held online around 12-13 August 2020
4. Calling on the Head of the Department to inform all departmental staff to fill in the Udayana Networking at IMISSU so that the BKD is realized. The deadline for filling in is July 30, 2020.
While the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Prof.Dr. dr. AA Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., SpPK conveyed about:
1. The Chancellor's Regulation regarding the criteria regarding students obtaining temporary exemption from UTK, UKT reduction, and UKT payment in installments for undergraduate students.
2. Professional phase students will get credit assistance next semester.
3. Ongoing financial and capital expenditure SPJ process.
4. For all S1 coordinators, the ride ceiling can be revised to purchase PPE.
5. For activities that cannot be implemented, they can be transferred to capital expenditures by attaching a study according to the letter and format that has been circulated.
Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes reports:
1. The performance target charged is 26 students in FK entrepreneurship, then 4 people are divided into each S1 study program except for PSSKPD study program, the target is 6 people
2. Udayana University's webometric ranking is 119th in Asia
3. Inviting all Coordinators of Study Programs and Kadep to send activities in the form of documentation (photos and videos) and news drafts to be uploaded on FK's social media, sending recorded Webinar to be uploaded on FK's Youtube, and mobilizing the entire community to participate by following, liking, sharing and subscribe to FK's social media.