FK Unud Leadership Meeting (online) June 2020

Thursday, 11 June 2020

The Dean of FK Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K) led the Leadership Meeting which was held via the Unud Webex media. This online leadership meeting was attended by Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Heads of Administrative Section, and Heads of Subdivisions at FK Unud.

On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. I Ketut Suyasa conveyed several things including:

1. Announcing the official formation of 3 new departments in FK Unud while introducing the three Heads of the Departments, namely; Head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition, (dr I Wayan Agustinus Harimawan, MPH, SpGK). Head of the Urology Department, (Dr. dr. Anak Agung Gde Oka, Sp.U (K) ). Head of the Department of Medical and Health Education, (dr. I Gusti Ayu Sri Darmayani, S.Ked., Sp.OG., M.Pd.Ked.)

2. Announced the replacement of 2 Heads of Departments, namely: the new Head of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department (Dr.dr. I Made Gede Widnyana, SpAn, M.Kes, KAR) and the new Head of the Andrology and Sexology Department (dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara , S.Ked., M.Biomed., Sp.And).

3. Propose a new daily work uniform design for Doctors / PPDS / DM equipped with hats, face shields and N95 masks or surgical masks

4. Discussing the Chancellor's Instructions regarding the learning process with less than 20 (twenty) participants, which can be carried out online or face-to-face with due regard to health protocols.

From the academic field, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi., SpMK(K) conveyed about:

1. Freedom to study Kemendikbud, where the Psychology Study Program is included in the independent learning program.
2. KKN for the period of July-August 2020, by assigning a task to the verification team of Unud Medical Faculty to verify the Covid-19 mitigation task is equivalent to KKN 3 credits
3. PJJ online learning training by LP3M, so that the undergraduate study program in the FK environment sends 1 participant for training.
4. Announcement of the signing of the PNBP grant addendum to be socialized by UPPM

While the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. dr. AA Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., SpPK conveyed about:
1. Financial Reporting/SPJ/SIAKU and SIRUPKU 2020
2. Distribution of masks for residents
3. POK revision plan for PPE students according to the needs and funds owned by each study program.

Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes reports:
1. On June 4, WD3 accompanied the BEM FK for an audience with the Chancellor of Udayana University.
2. All student activities take place online except for blood donation
3. Today there is a competition for selecting outstanding students at the University level and FK is represented by Windi, a PSKPD student.
4. In the field of information, we are trying to make the Unud web with the FK Unud web and the study program Web able to connect (attach) so that it can be easier. For study programs who want to participate in managing the web of their study programs, they can send the names of lecturers or employees who have an IMISSU account