Guest Lecture Collaboration of FK Unud with the University Medical Center of Utrecht Netherlands

In order to increase knowledge, get the latest knowledge, and learn about problems in the field of mental health, the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (KMKP) together with the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with the University Medical Center of Utrecht, Netherlands, is holding a Guest Lecture in a hybrid manner with the main location point is located in Prof.'s meeting room. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Building, Denpasar (13/7/2023)

Supported by the Association of Indonesian Family Physicians (PDKI) and the Association of Indonesian Psychiatrists (PDSKJI), this time the guest lecture has the theme "Mental Health in a Time of Grief".

Moderated by dr. Putu Aryani, MIH., Sp.KKLP, this guest lecture presented two speakers, namely:

1.Dr. dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, Sp.KJ, from Udayana University presented the topic: "PTSD and Symptoms of Depression Associated with Grief"

2. dr. A A. Ayu Manik Jantine Djelantik, Ph.D, from the University Medical Center of Utrecht, Netherlands, who presented the topic: "Toward an Integrated Understanding of Traumatic Grief"

The purpose of holding this event is as a means of sharing knowledge and information regarding the latest developments in the field of mental health conditions during grieving.

The event was opened directly by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K), who on this occasion said that the topic in this webinar is a very interesting topic to talk about plus the speaker present is a practitioner who can share his knowledge directly based on cases in the field .

"We hope that FK Unud will have many international collaborations to support the internationalization of institutions, therefore hopefully this collaboration with the University Medical Center of Utrecht, Netherlands will not stop here and can continue in other forms of collaboration." he said

After it was opened, the event continued with the presentation of the speakers which was followed by a discussion session by all participants from among the lecturers and students who were present on this occasion.