Improving AIDS Education for Teenagers, KMPA FK Unud Organizes National Talkshow 2024

The Semi-Autonomous Body of AIDS Care Student Group of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KMPA FK Unud) again held a national talk show online on Saturday, June 29, 2024. This activity was opened by the Supervisor of the Semi-Autonomous Body of the AIDS Care Student Group of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, dr. I Made Oka Negara, S.Ked, M.Biomed, FIAS.

Followed by participants from students and the general public, the purpose of this activity is to increase public understanding, especially the younger generation about HIV / AIDS, where understanding of HIV / AIDS is currently still relatively low so that the stigma rate on ODHIV is still very high. 

This year, the KMPA National Talkshow carries the theme "Eleutheria: Prevention and Health Improvement of HIV/AIDS in SDGs 2030" by presenting 3 speakers who are competent in their fields, namely:

1. Drs. Yahya Anshori, M.Si with the topic Globalization & HIV: The Big Challenges in Realizing Progress, SDGs 2030, and Indonesia's Future Direction

2. Dr. dr. Made Susila Utama, Sp.PD-KPTI, FINASIM with the topic Policy, Strategy, and Management as a Basis for Reducing and Treating HIV/AIDS Sufferers to Improve Stable Health Quality and Support SDGs 2030.

3. Ni Wayan Ika Ayu Rayni with the topic How to Become an Inspiration and Impactful Person as a PLWHA.