New Year 2024, FK Unud Student Organization Changes Cabinet

New Year 2024, FK Unud Student Organization Changes Cabinet

The inauguration of all Student Institutions, Student Associations and Semi-Autonomous Bodies within the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is one of a series of activities for the 2023/2024 General Election. This activity was held on Saturday, January 6 2024 at the A.A Djelantik Room, 4th Floor, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. This inauguration is a sign of the change in management and cabinet which will later be led by the next chairman who has been elected. Therefore, with the inauguration taking place, the management for the 2024 period is official and can carry out the duties and responsibilities that have been given.

During this inauguration, there were several invitees who attended the series of events, including the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M. Kes., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, M.P.H., Ph. D., Undergraduate Study Program Coordinators, Student Affairs Sub-Coordinators, Chair of the Udayana University Student Executive Board, I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana, Chairs of Institutions, Chairs of the Student Association, Chairs of the Semi-Autonomous Body for the 2023 Period of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, as well as candidates for chair in each student organization.

The inauguration started with a report from the Chair of the Committee, remarks from the Chair of the Working Body, remarks from Presma BEM PM, as well as remarks from the Dean as well as opening the event by striking the gong. In his speech, Prof. Januartha said that an organization, including student institutions, has a dynamic nature. Therefore, he hopes that the management that will run in the 2024 period will develop and carry out its duties well.

After the opening of the event, a series of inaugurations took place for the Chair of the Student Institution through a certificate of handover of position signed by the Dean, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, as well as the Chair of the Student Institution for the 2023 and 2024 Period. Then, this was followed by the handing over of the attributes of the chairman of the institution for the 2023 period to chairman of the institution for the 2024 period. Not only that, the inauguration also took place for the Chairman of the Student Association and was attended by the Semi-Autonomous Body within the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University through ceremonial activities which took place by handing over attributes from the chairman for the 2023 period to the chairman for the 2024 period.

Most of the attributes submitted during the inauguration process are institutional flags, institutional jackets, and institutional pins. The position of Chair in each student organization for the 2024 period is held by:

Chairman of LMFK

1. Chairman of BEM: Bonifasius Alvianto Satria Pamungkas

2. Chair of DPM: Ivy Leonyta Augustyne

3. Chairman of BP: Putu Pramadiva Bawes Putri

4. Chair of LPM PCYCO: Komang Andy Guna Arsa List


Chairman HM

1. HMKU: Sara Putri Bungaran

2. HMIK: Ni Komang Audy Sri Nathalia

3. HMKM: Ni Nyoman Tri Eka Buanasari

4. HM Psychology: Made Indira Diva Prameswari

5. HM Physiotherapy: Nur Rahmad Ifrizal Subhan

6. HMKG: Luh Devany Natania Putri Wikarsa

Chairman of BSO

1. TBM Janar Duta: Anak Agung Ayu Kirana Dharmautami

2. KIH : David Christopher Tjandra

3. KMPA: Made Ayu Rindika Wedayanti Netra

4. COMPACT: Angjun Putra Tegun Lase

5. KMPL: Ni Wayan Feby Anjelita

After the inauguration, the Chairs of the Student Association and Chairs of the Semi-Autonomous Bodies will take part in the reading of the HM Oath and also the BSO Oath. The oath was read in front of the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, M.P.H., Ph. D, as well as the Chair of the 2024 FK Unud Student Executive Board, Bonifasius Alvianto Satria Pamungkas. This inauguration activity ended with impressions and messages conveyed by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information as well as all Heads of Institutions, both Chairs for the 2023 Period and Chairs for the 2024 Period