PSSKGPDG Webinar with the topic "Welcoming the New Normal of Dentist Education during the Covid-19 pandemic"
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
In order to welcome the new "New Normal" era order announced by the Indonesian government, the Bachelor of Dentistry and Professional Dentistry Study Program (PSSKGPDG) FK Unud held a Webinar with the topic "Welcoming the New Normal of Dentist Education during the Covid-19 pandemic"
This webinar presents the following speakers:
1. Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K) with the topic "Health Protocol in the New Normal Era at FK Unud"
2. dr. Cokorda Agung Wahyu P., M. Biomed., SpPD with the topic "Overview of the Covid-19 Disease"
3. Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi., SpMK(K) with the topic "The Body's Immune Response to Covid-19"
4. dr. Cokorda Istri Yuliandari KK, M. Biomed., SpPD with the topic "Use of PPE in UNUD Hospital"
5. drg. Eka Pramudita R., SpPerio., FISID with the topic "Professional Education in Dentistry at Unud Hospital for the New Normal Era"
And as the moderator is Dr.dr. Ni Made Linawati, MSi and drg. Putu Lestari S., M. Biomed
PSSKGPDG Coordinator, Dr.dr. Ni Made Linawati, M.Si conveyed that this Webinar is very important so it is mandatory for PSSKGPDG FK Unud students to participate in learning the next semester during the transition to New Normal and open to the general public for those who are interested. This webinar aims to increase the knowledge of PSSKGPDG students and the general public regarding the learning system at PSSKGPDG FK Unud during the covid pandemic and preparation for the New Normal Era according to standard health protocols.