Signing of Extension of Cooperation between Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Bali International University

Signing of Extension of Cooperation between Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Bali International University

Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK UNUD) has extended its cooperation with Bali International University (UNBI), where the signing of the extension of cooperation was carried out in the Dean's Meeting Room, 3rd Floor of the Faculty of Medicine Building, Udayana University, Denpasar Campus. (12/19/2024)

The event began with remarks from Prof. DR. dr. I Made Bakta, SpPD-KHOM who is the Chancellor of Bali International University (UNBI), where he said that the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at Bali International University (UNBI) is one of UNBI's own dreams where this establishment helps support the government's efforts to overcome the shortage of health workers, especially the fulfillment of doctors in Indonesia, besides that there is also a very close relationship between Udayana University and Bali International University.

Continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who said that FK UNUD greatly appreciates UNBI in supporting the government's efforts in fulfilling health workers, especially doctors in Indonesia and we are very grateful for trusting FK UNUD as a supervisor and the next cooperation is to help in the process of establishing and supporting the development of the Faculty of Medicine at UNBI.

"We will try to organize human resources (lecturers) where the workload of our human resources is quite a lot because currently FK UNUD has 37 study programs where study programs are always increasing while the addition of human resources is very minimal and currently we are also managing the Faculty of Medicine, Mahasaraswati University (UNMAS) "said Prof. Januartha.

After the speech, it was continued with the signing of the extension of the cooperation and a group photo.

The signing of this cooperation was also attended by Vice Chancellor I of UNBI, Prof. Dr. I Komang Gde Bendesa, M.A.D.E., Vice Chancellor II of UNBI, dr. I Gusti Lanang M Rudiarta, MHA., and Chairman of the UNBI Foundation, I Ketut Sugiarta.