Towards the end of 2020 the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University through the Nursing and Nursing Profession Study Program (PSSKPN) again won the National level achievement. Coordinator of the PSSKPN FK UNUD Study Program, Dr. dr. Putu Ayu Asri Damayanti, S.Ked., M.Kes, explained that the study program she leads has succeeded in repeatedly gaining achievements at both the Regional and National levels in the Indonesian National Competency Test (UKNI) every year. This achievement shows that the teaching and learning process at PSSKPN has been going well, and is in accordance with the existing national nursing curriculum, "
The next achievement, stated Asri Damayanti, is that 100% of regular students pass the competency test in 2020. This is a proof that PSSKPN is committed to producing professional and competent nurse graduates, as a national standard measure. Therefore, the community and users of graduates are expected to not hesitate to choose PSSKPN FK UNUD because their competence has been tested, so they can work professionally.
Finally, he congratulated the graduation and achievements at UKNI for the 2019 and 2020 periods. Hopefully in the future the alma mater will be able to make the alma mater proud and thank you for the hard work of the lecturers who have successfully guided this achievement.