Visit of the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unud

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Unud Chancellor Prof. Dr. dr. AA Raka Sudewi, Sp.S(K) together with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof.Dr.Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. made a visit to the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Tuesday (7/7) at the Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.
The visit in order to monitor the continuity of the UTBK SBMPTN Exam which was held at the Faculty of Medicine was welcomed directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K), Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, MSi., SpMK(K) , and the Deputy Dean of General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. dr. AA Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., SpPK.

On this occasion, the Chancellor of Unud, Prof. AA Raka Sudewi also monitors the implementation of health protocols in the implementation of the UTBK exam, such as; asking for a list of the results of checking participants' body temperatures and making sure all participants are wearing masks.