FK Unud Graduates 441 Graduate Candidates
The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is proud to again graduate 441 prospective graduates offline at the Widya Saba Auditorium, Unud Campus, Jimbaran. (4/8/2022)
The Release of Candidates for Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University for the period of August 2022 was attended offline by the Secretary of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Bali, Chair of the Indonesian Dentist Association (PDGI) Denpasar, Chair of the Ikayana Commissariat of the Faculty of Medicine, President Director of RSUP Prof. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Director of Human Resources and Education at Unud Hospital, Director of Network Hospital, Chair of the Senate of FK Unud, Deputy Deans of FK Unud, Study Program Coordinators, Heads of Departments, and all prospective graduates.
The event began with a report on the release of prospective graduates by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, S.Ked., SpOT(K) regarding the number of prospective graduates from each study program and the best graduates from each level of education.
In the period of August 2022, the best graduates were won by:
1. Dr. dr. Ni Ketut Susilawati, Sp.T.H.T.K.L(K) from P.S. Doctor of Medical Sciences
2. dr. Tjokorda Wife Sri Dalem Natakusuma, M. Biomed.(IKD) from P.S. Master in Biomedical Sciences
3. dr. G. Yogena, Sp.Rad from P.S. Radiology Specialist
4. dr. Luh Putu Putri Sanjiwani, S.Ked. from P.S. Doctor Profession
5. Putu Devinda Ardaswari, S.Kes. from P.S. Bachelor of Physiotherapy
The event continued with the handover of graduates from the study program coordinators to the Dean, which was followed by the pronunciation and signing of the young doctor's appointment and the young dentist's appointment.
After taking the oath and signing the vows, the event continued with the inauguration of Specialist Doctors, Doctors, and Dentists by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Dr.dr.Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes
On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in his remarks congratulated all prospective graduates and their families for their successful completion of education at the Faculty of Medicine.
"As health workers, we hope that graduates can devote their knowledge as well as possible for the benefit of the community we will serve. Prioritize professionalism and ethics so as to bring the good name of the alma mater." Said Dr. Januartha.
The speech was continued by the President Director of RSUP Prof. Ngoerah and impressions and messages from representatives of prospective graduates.